When Your Woman’s Love Language is “Words of Affirmation”

It is estimated that about 20% of women have the primary Love Language of “Words of Affirmation” (YouGov).

This means that they feel loved when spoken to (or written to) with words that are kind, sweet, romantic, and affirming. In comparison, about 40% of men have a different primary love language—quality time. For them, spending time together is how they feel loved. Sometimes this difference in languages can cause miscommunications and misunderstandings.

Is your woman's love language "Words of Affirmation"?

Here are a few tips for speaking to her in a way that sparks her feeling of love and appreciation:

1. Give Her Compliments!

It doesn’t matter as much what you compliment, but it does matter that you offer words showing you appreciate some aspect of her. It can be anything really—compliment her looks, her outfit, how she handles herself, something about her work, etc.

These types of comments fill the cup of a person who loves to hear words, even when it doesn’t feel like a big deal to you.

2. Send Her a Card or a Note

When words are her love language, receiving a card, note, or letter is as good as gold! Each word is treasured, and she can read it over and over.

As a woman whose love language is “words of affirmation,” I love when I get handwritten notes and cards. I love that even more than gifts. It feels to me like I am getting a piece of the giver’s soul.

3. Use Terms of Endearment or Nicknames with Her

What an amazing way to demonstrate your love to a woman who appreciates verbal affirmations. Call her by a nickname or use a sweet term of endearment in place of her name.

This evokes warmth and excitement in a person who values that love language. It makes a woman feel cared for and adored. While it might not come naturally to the person using the term, with time, it becomes more and more comfortable.

4. Send Her Quotes, Lyrics, or Sweet Memes

Let her know you are thinking of her when you read things that evoke a warm and loving sentiment.

There are plenty of opportunities to find quotes that can convey how you feel about her. Pull from song lyrics that speak to you, books or poems that you enjoy, or even sweet memes you see on social media. Anything you send her that speaks to how you feel for her is sure to warm her heart and make her feel loved and appreciated.

Additional Tips:

5. Share Your Thoughts and Feelings

Openly share your thoughts and feelings with her. Express your admiration, love, and appreciation in a heartfelt manner. This will not only make her feel loved but also strengthen your emotional connection.

6. Encourage Her

Encourage her in her pursuits and aspirations. Acknowledge her strengths and achievements, no matter how small they may seem. This kind of affirmation can be incredibly motivating and uplifting.

Overcoming Challenges

Understanding and speaking your partner’s love language can be challenging if it’s not your natural way of expressing love. Here are some tips to help you:

  • Practice: Make a conscious effort to use words of affirmation regularly.
  • Be Sincere: Ensure your compliments and affirmations are genuine.
  • Seek Feedback: Ask her what kind of affirmations she values most.


Understanding and speaking your partner’s love language can transform your relationship. If your woman’s love language is “Words of Affirmation,” using kind, sweet, and affirming words can make her feel deeply loved and appreciated. Remember, small efforts can lead to significant impacts. Explore your partner’s love language and make an effort to express your love in a way that resonates with her.